5 Reasons to Keep Learning, Growing, and Connecting
Successful leadership is about far more than just maintaining the status quo. To remain effective...
At Great West Casualty Company, we take great pride in serving customers big and small. For more than 65 years, we have served a diverse range of clients, providing them with superior trucking insurance products and services 24/7, 365 days a year.
Below, you will find real customer stories from truck drivers who have benefitted from choosing Great West. We hope these stories provide you with an understanding of the care and attention we provide our customers nationwide.
Thank you for taking the time to read these and learn more about Great West. We hope you find these testimonials helpful when choosing a truck insurance company.
“Great West really gets to know your business...It's like having the company as part of your business team. With over 130 units and circumstances unique to our trucking operation, our policy requires a custom approach. Thanks to the close relationship we have with Great West and its knowledge of the trucking industry, Great West is really on top of the coverage we need. I feel comfortable telling anyone that being insured with Great West Casualty Company is one of the most helpful tools a trucking firm can add to its business.”
“Great West Casualty Company knows how to customize my policy to give me the coverage I need to make my company successful. The service Great West provides is outstanding. Depending on what we're hauling, some of our customers require additional insurance coverage. Great West customizes our policy to cover it. For example, if we have to do a rail transfer, the insurance requirements differ from railroad to railroad. Great West knows what we need. We're confident we're covered, and the railroad is, too.”
“Great West Casualty Company has made me a better carrier because of its input in so many areas of our business. From recommending better ways to improve safety, to holding safety seminars for our drivers, I feel like Great West Casualty Company is a valuable asset to our company. We can sit down and talk about what's going on in the industry and review our insurance needs as friends. Great West really understands trucking and is here to help us avoid problems and keep us from being complacent in our procedures.”
Great West |
Successful leadership is about far more than just maintaining the status quo. To remain effective...
Great West |
When a motor carrier strategizes how to manage its risks, one of the focuses is on preventing and...
Great West |
Effective January 1, 2025, a change to Oregon traffic laws may impact collision reporting and...